Difference Between Babushka And Matryoshka Dolls

The Russian Treasures
4 min readMar 12, 2022


This is a blog post comparing and contrasting two types of dolls. Babushka Dolls, which are Russian nesting dolls, have smaller dolls that fit inside larger ones. matryoshka dolls, which are also Russian nesting dolls, have small dolls that fit inside larger ones but the smaller doll differs in style from the one that sits on top.

However, apart from sizes of smaller dolls placed inside them the major difference between two types of dolls is the symbolic representations. As the name says Matryoshka represents fertility and motherhood while babushka represents an old woman who may be a grandmother.

A Babushka doll is made of material or paper and has a head, neck, middle, arms and legs. A Matryoshka doll is hollow and can be stacked on top of one another to represent various stages in life. A Babushka doll has a head and then several dolls inside. A Matryoshka doll is smaller than a Babushka doll and fits inside the bigger one to form an even bigger doll.

A Babushka doll is a puffy, three-dimensional, Russian nesting doll. It is made of cloth and comes in many colors. The dolls used for a matryoshka doll are carved out of wood and are lacquered in many colors. The article goes over the history of each type of doll and what they’re used for today.

Matryoshka Dolls

How Do They Differ?

Many individuals believe that babushka and matryoshka have a similar significance. To that end certain individuals call these dolls babushka dolls. Nonetheless, babushka and matryoshka are two distinct things. Babushka, in Russian, alludes to an elderly person, while matryoshka implies mother.

Babushka signifies “grandma” or “old woman”. In this way, naming the settling dolls as babushka dolls clearly gives out some unacceptable meaning of the Russian wooden toys. The matryoshka dolls address a mother’s fertility and motherhood, in this way, it was anything but a fit for them to be called all things considered.

Matryoshka dolls are a set of wooden dolls that get smaller and smaller as they go. This was in honor of the original matryoshka doll that was said to have nine children. The oldest child always has the biggest chest compared to the youngest child’s chest size. And like the original matryoshka doll, each doll can’t be opened until you take out all the preceding dolls.

Matryoshka dolls are made from wood and are painted with bright colors. Babushka dolls, then again, resemble a little form of customary Russian settling dolls. They were made from dough and then painted with oil paints or watercolors, and even though they may look small when they’re done, they still have every single detail of a full-sized matryoshka doll.

The two types of Nesting Dolls were not just given different names because of their appearance. There are many differences between them: for example, the materials used to make them, how wide the shoulders are on each doll, etc. Matryoshka dolls are actually nested dolls, which means that the largest doll contains smaller dolls. Babushka dolls are not nested. The biggest difference is that Matryoshka dolls have paints on them and Babushka dolls don’t.

Similarities Between Babushka dolls & Matryoshka Dolls

These dolls are made from one square of wood to make an appropriate fit as various bits of wood would have different development compression qualities. The creation begins from the littlest doll to the biggest. It is qualified to take note of that no estimations are finished during its creation interaction as measuring fit is finished by the eye.

After the making, the dolls are painted according to subject and are settled inside one another, finishing the customary babushka or matryoshka dolls. Babushka dolls and matryoshka dolls are both nested dolls that consist of a smaller doll inside of a bigger one. The main difference is that matryoshka dolls get bigger while babushka dolls stay the same size. Both Babushka and Matryoshka dolls are settled dolls that are set one inside the other.

Babushka Dolls

When Was Each Invented?

The matryoshka doll is a wooden toy that originated in Russia, and was first created in 1890. The babushka doll, on the other hand, was invented in Czechoslovakia during the 19th century. There are many similarities between Babushka and Matryoshka dolls. They both have a set of smaller dolls that can be removed from the bigger doll’s stomach. Unlike the larger doll, the smaller ones also depict people in different clothing and occupations to represent what life was like at that time.

But there are some differences too. The most obvious difference is that Russian Matryoshka Dolls have smooth, rounded tops whereas babushkas have tapered tops that taper down towards the base of the doll. There are also differences on how each doll is used — while babushkas are generally used as decoration, matryoshkas were originally made to store grain or other food items. However, the major difference is between the message representation of both the dolls.



The Russian Treasures

The Russian Treasures provide you all kinds of Matryoshka Dolls. for more details visit: https://therussiantreasures.com/